Jeremy & Graciela | Intimate Backyard Ceremony

Private Residence - Santa Cruz, CA
Jeremy & Graciela | Intimate Backyard Ceremony

With 2020 coming to a close, it's hard to reflect back on so many changes that have happened this year that have shaped our world into what it is today. So many of our couples found themselves making the decision to either postpone their wedding to 2021 or to move forward with a modified wedding in some form or another. We found ourselves in more supporting roles with our couples who may have watched their effort in planning their perfect wedding change dramatically.

Despite the changes that we were all having to go through, we wanted to make it clear that we would stand by them and support them with whatever they decided to do. After all was said and done, we encouraged half of our couples to reschedule for next year while the others proceeded with downsized guest lists making for a more intimate setting (which we love, by the way). Fortunately, we only had one cancellation due to us not being available for the reschedule date and amazingly we booked weddings through the remainder of the year with two left to complete.

As much as 2020 has made us adjust and adapt to new business practices, it has also allowed us an opportunity of rest that we did not realize we needed. We focused on keeping a positive mindset, being more involved in mutual aid and community outreach, and of course, family. Trying to focus on positive energy and positive outcomes had its own difficulties, especially when all we see in our social media feeds were negativity. We had to back away from those platforms to maintain our sanity. Instead, we sought to make a difference when we weren't working and begin volunteering more with organizations that provided some sort of relief to those who were facing food insecurities and, or were disproportionally affected because of the pandemic. It was the least we could do and it was something that was extremely important for us and our kids to be involved in. Doing so had its own positive effects and we were able to photograph "COVID" weddings with a different and appreciative perspective.

Our couples deserved to have their story captured and we were more than willing to do so despite the risks. We've never taken it lightly when we are commissioned for something as personal as a wedding so having us be present, when the local mandates were restricting guest counts, was something that we were thankful for and really held close to our hearts.

Thank you to all of our couples that we've been able to share time and moments with this year. We look forward to a new year coming into 2021 focusing on positive outcomes and silver linings. 🙂

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